
After the protagonist, Jade Martin, is spirited away to a mysterious place called Cravensville, she ends up becoming friends with a vampire and a cat. From werewolves and skeletons to cryptids and horror icons, Cravensville is home to many monsters of different shapes and sizes. However, there is an even bigger secret that the town is hiding from everyone else. Can Jade return home with the help of her new friends and find out what secrets are lurking in the shadows?The official website for Cravensville. Check out the Spotify playlist linked below!

The Town

Learn more about the town and its inhabitants.

Check out some fan art of the cast and more.

Fan Art!

More background on the series including some FAQ’s.

More Stuff

More Stuff

Before anyone asks me a bunch of questions for this series, I’m happy to say that you don’t need to!Q: What’s the inspiration for Cravensville?A: Back in October 2021, when I was a Senior, I was moved to another class for a test. Said class was a laboratory full of your usual biology/anatomy adjacent stuff. But there was one thing that stood out to me—a replica of a human baby skeleton. This sounds weird but after seeing that, I started imagining a skeleton dad taking care of his baby, which was eventually the inspiration for Tatum Calavera. But then I started wondering what the neighborhood he lived in would look like. At the time, I had watched movies like Halloweentown and Hotel Transylvania, and the concept of a bunch of different monsters living in a town was an interesting concept. The name of the town is based on the late movie director, Wes Craven. And the rest, as they say, is history.Q: Can I make an OC that fits in this series?A: Of course! If you’re on Instagram remember to use the #Cravensville tag, bonus points if you’re on Do you plan on making this a comic series or an animated series?A: I plan on writing it as a story on AO3, then I’ll probably turn it into a comic. Not sure about turning it into an animated series, but if I did the episodes will probably be exclusive to Newgrounds (for obvious reasons).Q: Can I make fan art?A: YESYESYESYES!!! Fan art is very much encouraged I love seeing this series grow. But please let me know/ask permission if you make nsfw/f3tish art of certain characters. I obviously won’t allow nsfw of the younger characters.Q: When does the series take place?A: September through October 2021, the same year I first thought of Cravensville.

The Town

Cravensville was first established in the 1400’s after monsters had been ostracized by humans for being different. These monsters had no intentions on hurting humans in the first place, and yet they were forced to go into hiding. The town is not located on any place on Earth, but is instead a pocket dimension that is only accesable through different means—geographical location, taken there by an actual monster, etc.Nowadays, Cravensville is home to more than 8,000 inhabitants. The monsters who live in the town, other than vampires, werewolves, or any other popular monsters, consist of creatures of varying shapes and sizes. Towering giants the size of trees and goblins that can fit in the palm of your hands call cozy little Cravensville their home. The pets aren’t so different either. While a monster can own a dog or cat much like the ones on Earth, they also have a choice of owning creatures like cockatrices or living rocks. It seems that the inhabitants have also been adjusted to modern technology such as cars and smartphones, especially among the town’s youth.

Fan Art!

What official site is complete without a fan art section? Aside from, this is where I put all the fan art of the Cravensville cast, even the background characters.All the art in this page will be credited.